

i found this at Kajang

Look what i’ve found!..hehe..ady bukak kedai tak bagitau kite..haha..
The first picture is at Kajang, i dun exactly remember whats the name of the shopping complex. And the second picture is at Ampang, nearby Ampang Point. This shop sells fake lovely flowers, vase, home decorations etc..and  reasonable prices.  =)


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4 responses to “Romantika

  1. MQ

    Kedai ni dah lama gak bukak..tapi kitorang tak penah pegi..maklum la tak minat nak menghias rumah..hehe..kat shah alam pon ada branch dia..hehehe..

  2. haha..yeker? best jgak kedai ni..byk choice jgak la..
    maklumla..fara ni skg tgh nak menghias bilik pengantin..hehe

  3. Kat Shah Alam pun ada… I was thinking of asking them for royalti or big discount. Copyright wooo…

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