Monthly Archives: October 2008

YOGA itu haram

Topic ini tersangat lah panas skarang ni.Well, i got this from my dear friend Saniboey who is former producer in TV3 and Channel 9 and now the chief editor of one of the best selling magazine in Singapore (Sani, if you reading, I still owe you coffee..hehe) I already read this from Ninie’s blog before i read his; Let’s see what’s he has to say about this which i think one of the most ridiculous article. Ha-ha~



By Saniboey Mohd Ismail


Aku harus menulis ini. Aku tak ada blog sendiri dan blog aku di adalah sebuah blog untuk dunia hiburan. Maka aku meminjam wadah ini buat seketika.


I read this today on Today newspaper (page 16) with the headline: Yoga May Be Banned For Muslim in Malaysia and it quoted the famous Perak Mufti, Harunsani Zakaria as saying: “If it involves any faith or religious elements, it is definitely not permissible but if it is just a form of exercise that is all right.” In the same news, it also quoted a professor in the Islamic Faculty of the National University of Malaysia, Zakaria Stapa saying that yoga could cause them (Muslims) to ‘deviate from their faith.’

Dan kemudian pantas aku membuka blog temanku, Nini atau blognya yang dikenali sebagai theyogainstructordiaries dan aku tersenyum simpul kerana dia bukan main marah lagi. Pantas Nini buat pelbagai justifikasi. Oh come on girl, please do not start a war because you know and do not be naïve that it will end with you on the losing side.

Your justification should just be: “My yoga is a form of exercise. It has nothing to do with any of the six Hindu principle of Yoga at all.” That should be the only justification, period. But barangkali, Nini tengah marah and she went on and on and quoted a number of philosophers and golongan bijak pandai tentang kesahihan Yoga dalam Islam dan macam-macam lagilah.

Fact/Hakikat: Remind ourselves about the story of Qutbuddin Abdul Rahim a.k.a Shah Waliyullah Ad-Dehlawi, born on 4th of Syawal pada 1114 Hijrah near Delhi, India. Dia lahir dalam suasana masyarakat yang tenat dengan krisis keruntuhan akhlak serta agama yang hebat. Golongan agama pula berpuak-puak dan berbangga dengan puaknya tanpa mempersoalkan sama ada kepercayaan dan pendapat itu salah atau benar. Boleh dikatakan suasana yang berlaku ketika itu adalah sama seperti Rom dan Farsi sebelum kedatangan Islam and as you know, it is true that in every 100 decade, Allah pasti akan menurunkan seorang pembela agama dan barangkali Shah Waliyullah adalah tergolong dalam kategori itu. Beliau menguasai pelbagai disiplin pengetahuan dan dianugerahi kebolehan sebagai pemimpin.

Fact/Hakikat: Shah Waliyullah berjuang berasaskan pendekatan melalui pena. Beliau menghapuskan amalan batil yang dibawa oleh golongan ulama palsu (alim pahsa seperti yang diistilahkan oleh Malek Bennabi) dan golongan sufi palsu, yang kononnya menyimpan rahsia ketuhanan. Ini kerana golongan ulama pada masa itu sibuk dengan pertelingkahan titik-bengik dan penafsiran ganjil mengenai hukum syariah, di samping sikap taklik buta kepada imam mereka. Sesiapa yang menyeleweng daripada keputusan itu, dianggap sudah menyeleweng daripada ajaran agama seluruhnya.

Gejala itu menyebabkan timbulnya puak, golongan dan parti yang sentiasa bergaduh, bertelagah serta berkonflik antara satu sama lain tanpa ada kesudahan. Golongan sufi pula adalah separa matang kerana terpengaruh dengan falsafah Yoga Hindu dan pandangan Syiah. Mereka memencilkan diri daripada masyarakat dengan alasan kononnya sudah bermartabat tinggi, lalu mengetepikan amalan syariah. Justeru itu, mereka bersikap malas dan tidak ada daya juang untuk berjihad bagi kepentingan ummah seluruhnya.

Fact/Hakikat: Syeikh Hamzah Fansuri adalah seorang Muslimin yang amat bertakwa. Yang disanjunginya ialah al-Khalik yang menciptakan alam semesta dan menentukan takdir-Nya sambil mengimbangi Iradah kreatif dengan Hikmah dan keadilan-Nya, Sultan seisi alam Yang Maha Pemurah dan maha Pengasih. Tetapi sayangnya sifat-sifat mulia itu jarang menghiasi khalifah di muka bumi, seperti sultan zalim yang sering berperang dalam sejarah bangsa Melayu pada zaman Hamzah.

Hamzah adalah seorang ahli tasawuf, yakni seorang zahid dan mistik yang mencari penyatuan dengan al-Khalik dan menemuinya di jalan isyk, iaitu kasih, tetapi justeru tasawuf adalah satu ideal peri kemanusiaan di kerajaan Melayu Abad Pertengahan yang tidak boleh membanggakan humanisme etikanya, kerana tasawuf mengajar mencintai Tuhan dan insan, dengan menitikberatkan manusia dan juga seisi alamnya yang turut bernyawa dan oleh itu ialah saudara sekandung seorang sufi. Tasawuf satu-satunya pandangan hidup yang membolehkan jika tidak menyekat kezaliman raja, maka paling sedikit menginsafkan mereka dan menyeru kepada belas kasih, tetapi usaha semacam itu selalunya agak berbahaya.

Namun Hamzah bimbang, sebab setiap orang menganggap dirinya berhak menjamah rahsia tasawuf yang murni. Dengan lebih hebat lagi dia membidas orang yang masih berpegang kepada ajaran yoga dalam usahanya untuk mengenal al-Haq serta golongan kolot yang memandang setiap sufi sebagai murtad.

Let’s say somebody, a kid maybe types “Sejarah Yoga” on the Internet and he shall find this on Wikipedia:

Yoga (Sansekerta) dari bahasa Sansekerta berarti “penyatuan”, yang bermakna “penyatuan dengan alam” atau “penyatuan dengan Sang Pencipta”. Yoga adalah salah satu dari enam ajaran dalam filsafat Hindu, yang menitikberatkan pada aktiviti meditasi atau tapa di mana seseorang memusatkan seluruh pikiran untuk mengontrol panca inderanya dan tubuhnya secara keseluruhan. Masyarakat global umumnya mengenal Yoga sebagai aktiviti latihan utamanya asana (postur) bagian dari Hatta Yoga. Yoga juga digunakan sebagai salah satu pengubatan alternatif, biasanya hal ini dilakukan dengan latihan pernafasan, oleh tubuh dan meditasi, yang telah dikenal dan dipraktikkan selama lebih dari 5,000 tahun.Orang yang melakukan pertapaan yoga disebut yogi, yogin bagi lelaki dan yogini bagi wanita. Sastra Hindu yang memuat ajaran Yoga, di antaranya adalah Upaishad, Bhagavad Gita, Yogasutra, Hatta Yoga serta beberapa sasetra lainnya. Klasifikasi ajaran Yoga tertuang dalam Bhagavad Gita, di antaranya adalah Karma Yoga/Marga, Jnana Yoga/Marga, Bakti Yoga/Marga, Raja Yoga/Marga.

Nini, you sure you want to do all the religious justification now and end up with Harunsani saying that yoga is an enemy to Islam or should you re-think and just stick to: “My yoga, is a form of exercise?”

Your choice.




What do you guys think? Is Yoga itu HARAM? I’m just a beginner in this yogaa scene and for me I dont think its something related to religion. As quoted by Ninie ” My Yoga is a form of exercise “. It is definitely a form of exercise. I can easily lose my weight by doing Yoga, its really makes me healthy and more flexible, i’ve got muscle and flat tummy by doing Yoga and I also can release my tense! Right, Janice?


Filed under Personal

Im bored

I’m bored and while browse some of my favourite blogger (Ninie Ahmad), I found this..

Two names you go by,
1. Fara
2. Sayang *wink*

Two songs you love listening at the moment,
1. Miss Independent by Neyo
2. If I Were A Boy by Beyonce

Two things you are wearing right now,
1. A San Francisco oversize fuschia t-shirt that my friend bought it for me from SF. ( i love it! Thanks Mr. R )
2. My favourite micro mini boxer with cute printing from FOS.
As I’m at home and now its pass my bed time already 😉

Two things that happened this week,
1. I did spent a quality time with my family
2. that i can’t even attend my collegue’s open house in Damansara. (Sorry Miss, I wus at my parents house and my mom is craving for my own home-made dishes.. 😉 )

Two things you did last night,
1. Went to Summit USJ to collect the repaired XBOX
2. Watched Bruce Lee’s movie – Enter The Dragon

Two things you wish more people know about you,
1. That I don’t really enjoy gossiping! (really)
2. and that I don’t really like hate numbers! I just can’t deal with it.. (so please..don’t ever ask me to calculate anything except for my shopping budget..hehe!)

Two things you want in a relationship,
1. Loads of quality time together
2. More and more love

Two of your favourite things to do,
1. Watching movies and series (on DVD)- some of my all time favouries are Little Women, A Walk To Remember, Amores Perros, Entourage, Private Practise and The O.C
2. Cooking my favourite dishes or try out something new . ( and of course splurging, who doesn’t? )

Two things you want badly at the moment,
1. My Bobbi Brown make-up set which I will only get it in December. (Be patient fara..)
2. My favourite handbag from Anya Hindmarch that I’ve been eyeing for the past 2 months.

Two pets you had/have,
1. My Orpheus – Kitten that I once had
2. My Anonymous – Had a Tortoise that I never named him ( and now I just wish that I can name him Xander)

Two things you ate today,
1. Yong Tau Foo for lunch
2. Tosei and Bihun Goreng from Restoran Rahim Cyberjaya for dinner (and now i’m thinking of cook some maggi goreng for supper..hehe)

Two people you last talked to,
1. My brother Ameer
2. And my love Harry

Two things you’ll be doing tomorrow,
1. Meeting some friends from college – helping them to pass resume to HSBC person in charge.
2. Fax invitations letters to some newspapers and magazines company for a charity event

Two places you want to go,
1. Barcelona, Spain
2. Croatia

Two things you want to do before you die,
1. Go to Barca and live life to the fullest
2. Get married ( which I’m about to; 3 months to go) and have a cute chubby smart lil kid. (pair at least, that means 2 maximum)

What are yours? Fuzzy?


Filed under Personal

Live as you’ll die today

Just to share my favourite quote ( tak igt la sape yg quote ni )

Dream as you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today..


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I want to buy your time

I wrote this story and translate this story like a year ago. And i decided to post it in my blog. Just a light reading. So, the story goes like night Khairy (programmer in one of a big company in KL) came home late as usual. But that nite is a little different cuz his son, Wildan’s still awake, usually his son have been sleeping and only wake up when he’s goin to work tomorrow morning. Wildan seems like have been waiting for awhile.”Why dont you sleep yet sayang?” asked Khairy as he kissed his son. As he followed his dad to the living hall he answered,” I was waiting for u cuz i want to noe how much u get paid every month?” “How much i get paid?Why? U want some money to buy some toys again?” “No.It’s not that. I just want to noe dad.” “Okay..u do the math urself. I work for 10 hours everyday and i got paid rm400. Every months i worked about 25days. So,how much i get paid for a months? Wildan ran and take his pen and a paper from his study desk. “If u got paid rm400 for 10 hours that means rm40 per hour. “Clever boy! Okay now, go to bed”,said Khairy to his son. But Wildan’s not moving from where his stands. He ask his father,”Dad,can i borrow your rm10 please?””What for? Its getting late now and im exhausted. I wanna have a quick bath and then go to bed,cuz i have to go to work,remember? And u too,go to sleep, tomorrow got school.” “But dad…” said Wildan in a very cute and childish way. Khairy can’t control his patient anymore. “I said go to sleep!! Now!!”,Khairi’s shouted at Wildan and the little boy ran to his room.

While he’s in the bathroom,Khairy have been hunting by guilt. Before he went to bed, he went to his beloved son’s room to take a look at him whether he’s asleep or not. He found that his son is crying and there’s rm10 note in his beautiful little hand. Khairy come close to his son and apologized to him.
“Forgive me sayang.I love you son. But why you want the money in the middle of the night? If you want to buy some toys,u can ask for it tomorrow right? Don’t say rm10,i can give u more than that sayang.” “No,I don’t want your money dad, I just want to borrow it and later if my piggy bank’s have enough money I’ll pay you back,dad.” “Okay…but why? What’s the money for?” Khairy asked him gently.”I waited for you to come back home since 8pm dad. I want you to play scrabble with me. It’s only 30 minutes. Mom always said that your time is so precious,your time is so precious. That’s why I want to buy your time. But, when i opened my piggy bank, I only have rm10.And you said for one hour, you were paid rm40,if half an hour,that means rm20. I only got rm10 and i need another rm10. That’s why i need to borrow your rm10 dad,”said Wildan innocently. Khairy was speechless. He hugged his son real tight….and say “I love you so much..I’m so sorry sayang” tears in his eyes….


Filed under love & relationship, Personal

Love is a hardwork

That’s deeper the deep blue sea is
That’s how deep it goes if it’s real
But if u let me love u
It’s for sure im gonna love u ‘all the way’

Huh~…’all the way?’..only fool can say
’till ‘day by day’ we make it deeper by far than any ocean
I am wider than your hold can take
But im yours to stay
Through the days ‘day by day’
You’re making half of my dreams come true
and yet all of it ‘day by day’

All the way to where I am yours
Yes, I am yours to stay
’till u understand how much I love you.

And those mourning roses
I’ve sprinkled with tears
How i’ve traveled to be where you are
How long it is the journey from here
to your star
And if I ever lose you
How much I would cry
“Just how deep is the ocean how high is the sky”
Just how long is the suffering
Yes, “how deep is the ocean how high is the sky”

Before seeing you gets hazy
and a gentle touch turns hard..

**Suddenly feel artistry.. i just love this poetry and it’s about love. 😉

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Pick & Grab

Bored? Come and lets splurge this weekend.

Event: Pick & Grab
Date: Saturday & Sunday, Nov 8 & 9, 2008
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pmLocation: Hartamas Square, Desa Sri Hartamas, KL

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Filed under sales and event

oh so tense! – part 2

Semalam dah start citer pasal my wedding kan? So, ini adelah sambungan citer semalam. BTW,Thanks for the advise guys! I really need it. Hmm..citer pasal semalam, after work, me and harry went to this one place (which of course, a bridal boutique) situated in Taman Dagang. I fell in love with this particular boutique. It’s owned by a Datin; Datin Lynda Rahim. She’s really friendly and talkative, haha! But, she’s not like what I’ve imagined. She’s really doen to earth!haha.. tapi die peramah and funny,hehe.. Back to the main story here, we actually went there for a wedding planner, and pelamin, and wedding dress & baju melayu and also make-up. The baju2 kat kedai Lynda ni OMG!!! TERSANGAT2 LAH CANTIKKKK i tell you. Rase mcm nak menangis and buat sujud kesyukuran jer sbb dah jumpe baju yg I really like and like the one I always imagined. Yela, i ni bukannyer pandai sgt men’design’ baju. Tu yang susah nak terangkan kat designer tu baju yg macam mane i nak. Mase ni la baru terfikir, ‘kalau la i ni fashion designer….’ kan senang! hehe! Tapi, Alhamduliilah, at last i dipertemukan jgak dgn baju idaman i tu.. 😉

Haaaaa…skg ni baru la rase mcm tak saba nak tggu tarikh keramat tu. Before this, I dun feel any excitement about my wedding, AT ALL!! But now, after i found my dreamed dress, and dreamed pelamin, I kinda feel  the excitement and the nervous, the panicking (all-in-one).I have to stop right here, because i’m goin to another appoinment. This time in Pandan Indah, to discuss about my dream pelamin, it’s very SIMPLE! but i really like it =)…bye-bye now. later..


(to be continued….)


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Oh So Tense!

Ola my lovely readers.okay to all of you who just know me  through my blog, i’m gunna spill out something big that’s goin to happen to me once in a lifetime. Yeh, i’m getting married! Another 3 months to go. All this wedding thing makes me so tense and tense! (see, how tense i am? i can’t even think of word other than tense! geez, shoot me!) My wedding is goin to be on the 20th FEB (for the ‘akad nikah’) and 21st FEB ( for the wedding reception- my side) and 1st MAR (wedding reception – groom side). 

3 MONTHS to go. Urgghh! I haven’t settle anything yet but only for the hall. For the wedding and nikah dress, I’m still searching for a local designer to tailor and design my dress. Or maybe, i’m just gunna rent it. Man! I’m just so confuse. Or maybe im gunna wear my mom’s ‘akad nikah’ dress. It’s still looks fresh! =) (my mom have sucha good taste! hehe) i love her ‘akad nikah’ dress, simple yet stunning! but, i already bought some french lace and thinking of tailorize it as my ‘akad nikah dress’ . But when i think about it again, it’s too grand  and  too transparent for the ‘akad nikah’ ceremony. I hate when i get confuse. And i hate it when i have to make decision when i’m confuse. damn it!


(to be continued….)


Filed under Personal

Of Wegie and Coon-cat

It’s all about cats now as I really wanting to owned one (hopefully). In my previous post, i did mention about Norwegian Forest Cat and Maine Coon right? For those who knew about those breed, must be a cat lover i supposed. This kind of breeds are rarely seen or found in Malaysia.  The Norwegian Forest Cat is breed of domestic cat native to Nothern Europe and adapted to very cold climate. In Norway, they are known as skogkatter. Norwegian Forest Cats have a thick fluffy double-layered coat, tufted ears and a long bushy tail to protect them against the cold. Their coat is essentially waterproof due to its coarse outer layer and dense underlay. They are very large cats with adult males weighing 6 to 10 kg (13 to 22 lb), while females are approximately half that size. Their hind legs are longer than their front legs. They are very intelligent, playful cats that enjoy human company. The nickname of “Wegie” began in the United States. It’s actually a shorten version of the word Norwegian. Like Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest Cats are an intelligent, robust and playful breed. They like the outdoors, are well suited to cold conditions and are great hunters. Despite their great affection for the outdoors, they also enjoy the company of humans and other pets and will sometimes go looking for company if left alone by their owners. They are not easily stressed and are quite patient, which makes them great for a family with children. Here are some pictures of Wegie…

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Maine Coon cat is is one of the largest breeds of domestic cat, known for its high intelligence and playfulness as well as its distinctive physical appearance. The breed is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America specifically native to the state of Maine (where it is the official State Cat). This cat is known as “Maine Coon”, “coon-cat”, “Maine Cat” or (colloquially) “the gentle giant”.Maine Coons are a breed distinguished by high intelligence, dexterity, and playfulness. They have a tendency to use their front paws extensively (often curling the paw round to pick objects up) and as a consequence will easily learn to open cabinet doors, turn on water faucets, flush toilets, or pick up small objects. Some Maine Coons will eat, or even drink, from their paws, rather than from the bowl itself.

Due to their above-average intelligence, Maine Coons are known to be one of the easiest cat breeds to train. Maine Coons are noted for their ability to trill their meows, which sounds like a combination of a purr and a meow, and they tend to make this sound when happy or startled. When they do meow, it tends to be very high in pitch, in comparison to other breeds. They are noted for rarely eating alone, preferring to eat in the company of other cats or humans. Maine Coons are not known to be “lap cats” but of course, this may depend on the individual cat and some may prefer laps. So officially, Maine coon and Norwegian Forest cat are highly intelligent and playfull and super kawaii too! And here are some pictures of Maine Coon breed…

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Aren’t they cute? Both Wegie and Coon-cat look almost the same. Only Coon-cat can grow bigger than Wegie. That’s why I like it both! They’re just super kawaii! I can’t wait to owned one of it and I really don’t mind having both of them(hopefully). Well, let’s wait and see.


Filed under Personal

Missing Orpheus

For years, i’ve been thinking of adopting pets. Unfortunately for me, untill now I still cudn’t owned one. I really want to owned a cat. I did owned a kitten once. His name is Orpheus. I took him from a stray cat that gave birth under our shoe rack at my previous house. I only took care of him for like a month and a half, after that mom asked me to give out to someone that can take care of him because we’re moving to our new house. And mom doesn’t really likes cat. It’s sad when u have to give out something that you love to someone else. I gave it to my sister’s friend. She had a lot of cats at her house. A cat lover, now you know why im considering to give out my precious kitten to her. But unfortunately my Orpheus cudn’t stay long in this world. According to the friend of my sister, Orphy (his nickname) didn’t want to drink his milk, didnt want to eat, he refused to do anything and he looks gloomy and she said maybe it’s because he misses me so much! ='(  I felt guilty over his death. He’s just so small and so cute and playful too! I wish I could turn back time and not giving him out to someone else. But I have bo choice, mom didnt want me to keep it. Im so sorry Orphy. Now, I’m thinking of adopting a cat; A Norwegian Forest cat or at least a Maine Coon. I just love that kind of breed. But Im not sure whether I can have it or not, because  beloved future husband of mine doesn’t like cats either! Poor me.. But I’m trying my best to make him love this cute little creature. (Pray for me you guys..*wink*) 

Talk about pets, my sister just adopt a sugar glider recently! YEAY! (Congrats Fuzzy!) The Sugar Glider or Petaurus  breviceps, is a small gliding possum native to eastern and nothern mainland Australia, New Guinea and the BismarckArchipelagon and introduced to Tasmania.FYI sugar glider is a very cute little fella. And very tame too if you really take a good care of him since baby. She named him Neo. It’s so easy to take care of him. He likes fruits; most favourite fruit is pear. And this little fella loves to sleep by day and only active by night. Here are some picture of Neo.


What do u think? You can get it from Pets Wonderland or Aquaria for like RM450 each.. If you buy it pair, be cautious, cuz it really can breeds =)

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