Home Sweet Home 2

It’s been 3 weeks we have stayed in our new home. ( but we only stayed the most in the master bedroom because other part of the house is still dusty and messy due to the minor renovation).These are some pics of our house taken when it still in a mess..

the dry kitchen

the dry kitchen

dry kitchen

dry kitchen

wet kitchen

wet kitchen






living hall

living hall



dining hall

dining hall


the porch light

the porch light

Dust and messy kan? Thats why I have soar throat for over a week and coughing! But this morning, my house just got better. At first we planned to ‘cuci &basuh’ the house ourselves right? But, we changed the plan. Actually I changed the plan..I decided to hired some indons to do the tiring+exhausting+leceh job.  Let’s see how it looks when i get back from work today(I CANT’T WAIT). We can start to unpack our TV, Home teathre, TV bench…etc..yeah!! FINALLY…seronoknya! 🙂


Filed under Personal

14 responses to “Home Sweet Home 2

  1. Wow~ Renovations done? remember to unpack guitar hero and drums! we going to visit tomorrow, haha…

  2. mango : yes. it done lah for now. we’ll try our best to unpack the guitar hero and drums by tonight. hehe..

  3. MQ

    ok tak indon yg cuci rumah tu? nak upah jugak..hehe..

  4. MQ : Okay la. Puas hati jgak la. Ur hubby dah tgk dah die cuci rumah semalam.

  5. ZZ

    i am one of P2 resident. I am still looking for contactor to do bit of reno. Hope u don’t mind telling me yr house’s contractor..


  6. ZZ : P2 resident? which road? actually contractor for our house is a little but here and there. for ceiling is different contractor, kitchen also different….which one u refering to? when do u plan to move?

  7. ZZ

    My house is one of them at Jalan 4/2D. looking for contactor for minor reno like plaster ceiling (L-box shape), tiles at dapur, table top, grill. Last week, i met few indon & bangla who offered to do reno. I am still looking for reliable one. This week, perhaps Nusaputra contractor will repair all the defects.

  8. ZZ: ow ..for plaster ceiling i dun recommend you to do biznes with our contractor. they’re sux, seriously. but for table top at my kitchen, i hired the indon guy name Bambang. He’s good and reliable. He has done so many house in Nusputra P2. We did table top and tiles with Bambang..and so far, its satisfying.. =)

  9. zz

    ok. i ll look for Bambang and ask for quotation first. tqvm. nice blog u have.

    • fara.rahman

      zz: no problem at all. owh u also did mention about grill.. sorry i mis’see’ it..
      i did with this one malay guy. very cheap. but i dun reccomend it also. because the quality is pretty bad. the only reason we did with him cuz, we’re in the middle of ‘money saving’..hehe u know, we just got married and move in to new house, so much things to do..

      4/2D is superlink house kan? Nice!

  10. fara..sumpah cantik rumah kau dowh… dh siap nnt bole aku lepak2 umah kau?? hoho..

    p/s: siapalah kami dimata kamu.. =(

    • cantik ke mal?
      biase2 je…cantik lagi umh kau. eh boleh jer, dtg arh!!
      kalau nak dtg call dulu, sbb takut time tu aku takde kat umh.
      kang jauh2 ko dtg aku takde kat umh buat penat je nnt.
      ko expert tak area puchong?

  11. mushimushi

    Hi, I have also a unit at Precint 2. But currently I am not staying there and decided to rent/ sell, as this place is a bit far to my office. Do you have any friends like the house here?

    • hi there! owh my, its sucha waste if u just abandoned ur house just like that. how much is ur price for selling? and how much for renting? and do u remember ur address..what number is ur house ?

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